So, what is "LIGHTUPNIGERIA" ?
LightUpNigeria is a movement formed out of necessity in reaction to the current problem with power supply in Nigeria, which is believed, to be a major setback to the economic development of the country.
LightUpNigeria aims to raise awareness of the situation globally and hopes that through the awarenesss, the current policy governing the generation, distribution and transmission of electricity via the national grid service in Nigeria will be reviewed and reformed.
LightUpNigeria is not a political campaign or organization BUT a movement demanding action from the Nigerian government and political office holders to solve the power supply problem in the country.
LightUpNigeria is not a collection of energy experts that will be telling the government "HOW" to solve the problem BUT a collection of passionate Nigerians asking for results in the power sector. LightUpNigeria’s position is that lighting up Nigeria is not a technology problem or a "know how" problem BUT a problem of will and focus; hence, the need for a VOICE such as LIGHTUPNIGERIA.
LightUpNigeria wishes to use one universal voice to raise awareness globally in a viral like manner, spreading the message via word of mouth,text messages, online and printed media, radio, television, marches,townhall gatherings, concerts, peaceful protests, souvenirs, surveys etc.
LightUpNigeria is spreading a simple message ‘Enough is Enough’ and already has a website to support the information sharing efforts of the movement. The website, , is the official one stop shop to track the progress and efforts of the LightUpNigeriamovement.
There are several articles online about LIGHTUPNIGERIA, some of which can be viewed at
I am proud to be a supporter of LightUpNigeria and this blog of mine is just ONE of the ways I support the movement.
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