I have been using Twitterfeed for a while now and am really enjoying the free service. I have configured my Twitterfeed account in such a way that whenever I update my blog with a new post, the title of the blog post, with a link to the full article is sent across AUTOMATICALLY to Twitter and also to Facebook, from where it also gets across to Friendfeed and my other social networks.
What’s more, you’ll see statistics for each post showing you just how many people clicked on posts from Facebook vs those from Twitter. You’ll be able to better understand just where your social media strategy is working. Twitterfeed also auto generates shortened URL's for your blog posts and you’ll be able to see just how many people have clicked on those links through Twitterfeed.
So, How Do I Get Started?
Go straight to Twitterfeed and sign up for your free account.
Once you sign up, login and click on the "Add New Feed" button
Enter your Blog name and the Blog url in the respective boxes and continue to the next steps where you will have to add your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Note: From the Advanced settings page, there are many other customizations you might like. Feel free to customize the settings to your need.
Have anything to say about this Twitterfeed, or know of more tools that perform similar functions, do not hesitate to share the info using the comment form below this post.
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