Would you like to have links to related posts on each post page of your blogger blog? Then, the Related Posts hack is for you. If you scroll down this page (on my blog), you will see some links titled "Related Posts". This is a very useful hack because it will enable visitors to your blog read more articles on your blog, which might earn your more adsense clicks.
Well, there are loads of hacks out there but I will recommend this simple one have been using for a while now. This related posts hack is based on labels you labeled each post while blogging. To get the best out of this hack, don't use different labels all the time,select labels according to blog content.
With this hack, you can customize the number of related posts links to be displayed amongst other stuffs.This hack has been updated in November, 2009 and any blogger that do not update the hack to the latest version will not be seeing the related posts displayed on their blogs.
To Install it to your blog, go to http://brps.appspot.com/getkey and enter the address of your blog in the box. Click on "Get Key and Installation steps". Follow the installation steps and you will be glad to see it working asap.
In my future posts, I will be writing more about series of hacks that can make your blog look more professional.
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If you have anything to say about this hack or you know of any other "related posts hack" do not hesitate to share it using the comment form below this post.
Cheers !!!.
Thanks for this. and of-course will surely come back cos i won't afford to miss any update that will give my blog a professional look.