3 Websites For Creating .prov Settings:PROV Making Websites

Are you in need of .prov settings, for you to be able to browse free with your phone, either directly with your web browser or using Opera mini 4.2/ 5.0?...Relax and read on.

Well,if you don't know what .prov files are, they are needed by s40 Nokia phones in order for their java applications(those which need internet connection) to function well with free browsing tricks.

As we all know, Nokia doesn't allow one to specify a proxy for an Access Point in Series 40 v2 and v3 and v5 phones (6131, 6133, 3110c, 5300, 5200, 5310, 6500) etc. In its recent versions of the Series40 OS (v2 & v3 & v5), Nokia has removed the ability to specify a proxy server associated with an access point. Therefore, if your phone belongs to those categories,then you will be unable to use JAVA programs that require internet access (such as Opera Mini, sHMessenger, etc...)".

Browsing free on S40/Java Phones is always almost difficult without 'Customize Prov Files'.

Last week, I posted an article on , if the steps didn't work with your phone, then all you need is a working .prov setting.

So, How DO I Create Prov Settings ?

Well, there are many ways you by which you can create prov settings but today, I am sharing with you, how you can easily create them at some websites.

Before now, many Nigerians have been creating prov settings at www.myprov.co.cc and www.9japrov.com but unfortunately, those websites have been suspended by the admins. As at the time of writing this article, there is one which is still working and it is Javaloft.

In a nutshell, the 3 websites in this article are:
1. Javaloft
2. MyProv
3. 9jaProv
So, How Do I Use Javaloft?
Go to Javaloft and fill the form there with your .

After creating the file, download it to your PC or Chinese phone and send it to your S40/Java phone via Bluetooth or infrared.

When transferring the prov file to your phone , don't copy the file and paste in your phone folder on your PC.  Instead right click the file >> send to >>bluetooth >> your phone model
The transfer of the file should take place through "object push" not by " file transfer".

If the transfer is successful, it should enter your phone Configuration Message with a prompt message for you to save it.
Ignore any error message, save it and make it the Default Settings.
Then go to Settings > Connection > Personal Configuration and choose "make as default for all applications".

Then, open your Opera Mini, choose between Custom1 - 4.
In the Custom Server below, enter the cheat - http://www.mtnonline.com/nph-proxy.pl/00011a/http/server4.operamini.com:80 (if for MTN)...For other networks, just change the mtnonline.com part to the home page address of the network.
Press OK.

You're good to go!  Don’t forget to hook me up on facebook once you are connected.

Well, I just launched my new website and have 20 free ebooks am giving out free of charge, get yours now at www.ebooks.jideweb.com
In my future posts, I will be writing about how you can be making money in your streets or at university campuses helping people in pushing prov settings to their phones. More so, I will be talking on how to create prov settings with a  NOTEPAD , should in case Javaloft gets suspended. I will also be sharing with you some softwares you can be using in creating Prov settings and how you can even create prov settings without using a Computer.

So, for you not to miss those and and also my future free Ebooks, freebies, articles and be getting them right inside your email inbox even when you are not on the internet, kindly go to http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=SecretInfos-Ogbongeblog and enter your email. Once entered, you will have to check your email INBOX or SPAM FOLDER for a confirmation email containing a confirmation link.

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If you have any question to ask, have a prov making site to share,just want to say something or would like to BUY ME A DRINK, kindly make use of the comment form below this post.

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Cheers !!!.


  1. olatimehin5/14/2010

    i`ve tried to generate a prov but it`s not going y. tolu

  2. You need to create it from the Javaloft link and then send it to your phone via the OBJECT PUSH feature of your PC bluetooth device.

  3. Anonymous5/23/2010

    hi, i created a prov file n dwnloded to my lapi, but geting it 2 my fone is d prob, nokia n72, i use blue toot i.e Rklik--send to -- blue toot -- fone name. it still goes in as file transfer n wen i try 2 open its not recognise So wat do i do????. tmex

  4. OgbongeBlog5/30/2010

    it will not recognize it if you send it through file transfer. you must use OBJECT PUSH feature of the bluetooth device on your PC, to puch the prov file to your phone. Cheers!

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  7. pls how can i use opera 6.5 and 5.2 modded to download on my n70 i can only download now with my default phone browser.pls help me


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