LovingYou.com Love Letters, Quotes : New Web Pages

If you are one of those that usually visit LovingYou.com  for LovingYou.com quotes, love letters, poems, ecards etc you will notice lately, that the home page has changed to that of a fashion page. Nevertheless, I am still able to access the LovingYou.com love letters etc right from the site.

If you want to access the LovingYou.com Love Letters, go to: http://archive.lovingyou.com/content/inspiration/loveletters.php

If you want to access the LovingYou.com Love Quotes, go to : http://archive.lovingyou.com/content/inspiration/lovequotes.php

If you want to access LovingYou.com Long Distance Love Messages and Poems, go to: http://archive.lovingyou.com/content/love/longdistance.php

From the links above, you should be able to access other favorite pages you love visiting on LovingYou.com

I don't really know why the change in the LovingYou.com home page but am less concerned because a website owner has the right to do whatever he/she likes with his/her site. I just hope the website owner will not totally remove the love letters, etc from the archives. 

I hope this helps...

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  1. Hi,
    You are doing a great job! Keep it up.
    I will also use this opportunity to let you know that for fast and easy access to your information in your site you suppose to include a search section for all your post in your site.
    For instance i am looking for "How to upload you-tube to a blog".I have scrolled up and down just to have access to the info to no avail.
    Kindly make your blog as easy to access as possible.


    One of your fans

  2. Thanks for the observation sir but there is a search box in the header and another one under each post.


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