Want To Verify Twitter Account?

If you've seen a Twitter account with a blue verified badge  on the profile, that means it is a verified account. If your Twitter account is verified, it will go a long way in convincing the public that you are truely whom you claim to be. This will really help in avoiding identity confusion or impersonation especially if you are a celebrity.

So, How Do I Verify My Twitter Account?

Well, as at the time of publishing this post, Twitter doesn't accept requests for verification from the general public. Instead, Twitter claims that they proactively verifies accounts on an ongoing basis, concentrating on highly sought users in music, acting, fashion, government, politics, religion, journalism, media, advertising, business, and other key interest areas.

There is no specific form to be filled to request for Twitter verification either. The only form I know is the Impersonation form which you can use in reporting accounts that are pretending to be another person or entity in order to confuse or deceive.

Nevertheless, Twitter encourages you to continue using Twitter in a meaningful way and link back to Twitter from your official site for you to be considered for verification in the future.  Adding the Twitter’s follow button on your webpage is the best way to link back to Twitter from your official site. Whenever Twitter decides that you qualify for a verified account, they will reach out to you via direct message.

I hope this helps.

If you have contributions or questions to ask, kindly use the comment form below.

You can follow @verified for more info on Twitter Verified accounts. Do not forget to follow me via @jide_ogunsanya and I will follow back.


NB: If your blog is hosted on Blogger.com, you can check out how to add Twitter follow button to your Blogger blog.


  1. I don't really fancy the thing because it still doesn't mean that the person who owns the Twitter account is actually behind the verified account.

    1. Yes, you are right considering the fact that some of the power users do employ guys that manage the accounts for them. Nevertheless, been "verified" will still avoid identity confusion.

  2. Good info, hopefully someday I'll get verified.
    Or someone could come up with a crack for this one too lol

    1. Lol..am sure some guys would have been cracking their brain on how to do that.

  3. Nice post jide!...thanks.

  4. hmm, can u believe i neva knw say na dis dey mean by twitter account being verified..thks bro

    1. You welcome. Glad you are now informed.

  5. Thanks Jide for this resourceful info.

  6. Hmmm nice one chk www.loadedteam.com

  7. Thax for d tutorial

  8. Anonymous9/08/2012

    Nice post.. but let's wait for Don to crack dis shitty tinz..lol Coz I know wiv times they will come with better link..LOL.


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