Wow! Received My First Chitika Payment in My Paypal Account

While playing Konami Soccer game on my iPad, an email notification popped in on the screen and guess what? It is payment alert, informing me that chitika sent some money into my paypal account.

Though, it's so small compared to what I earn from Adsense but I was so happy when I saw the alert because it's my first payment from Chitika. More so,  I have been wondering if their system will be able to pay into my USA verified paypal account or I will have to wait for months to get my check via airmail.

It all started around Christmas, last year when I decided to monetize my blog with good alternatives to Google Adsense apart from Ad dynamo. I decided to try Chitika because it can be used on the same blog, with Google Adsense. So, I  added Chitika ad codes to my blog and Chitika ads stated displaying directly below the posts on my blog.

The earnings from Chitika was so poor for over one week of integrating it into my blog. I was considering removing it from my blog when Google Adsense disabled ad serving to my blog for format mimicking.  This forced me to remove Chitika ads and some other third-party ads from my blog before appealing to Google Adsense.

After waiting for few days without any reply from the Adsense team, I decided to re-add the chitika ads to my blog, but manually below just five of the most popular posts on my blog. I ensured that the five posts are posts that attract international traffic to my blog via the search engines. Guess what?  My Chitika earnings skyrocketed to an average of $25 daily as seen in the screenshot below.

Fortunately for me, Adsense restored ad serving to my blog few days after adding Chitika ads below the five popular posts but my Chitika earnings dropped drastically immediately the Adsense ads started displaying on my blog as seen in the screenshot above. I didn't bother myself about it though, because I prefer Adsense to the Chitika.

Within the few days without Adsense on my blog, I was able to earn more than the Chitika threshold. Hence, I was qualified to receive my earnings during the next payout. Looking closely at the screenshot above, those  three days I earned $25, $26, $26 were the days without Adsense. How I wish have added the Chitika ads immediately Google disabled ad serving to my blog. Guess, I would have earned more than this. smiles**

I reached my threshold before the end of January but received my payment on the last day of February. So, I have to wait for a month to receive my Chitika payment into my Paypal account. If I opted in for check payment, only God knows when the Chitika check will reach Nigeria after been processed on the last day of February. Probably, by April.

Now that I have received my money from Chitika, I will add Chitika ads directly below all my blog posts. If the earnings make sense in the long run, without really affecting my Adsense earnings, I will keep the Chitika ads on my blog, or else, I will limit it to the popular posts.

Any comment?


  1. Dupson3/02/2013

    Wow! am so happy for you Jide but why choose Paypal over Check payment? I also want to try Chitika but I don't have paypal account.

    1. Like I said in the post, I will still have to wait for another one month before I will receive my check.

  2. Anonymous3/02/2013

    $75 within 3 days is not bad at all bro. I once used chitika but have removed from my blog because it was not making sense at all. any tips for your boy?

    1. If you are getting decent international traffic (US/canada) from the search engines, you will be making money from chitika. Just ensure the chitika ads are placed directly below your posts.

  3. hmmm... now i see, mo wonder my cpc on adsense is very low since i added addynamo to the side of my blog. Mehn, this advert site be winch o. lol

    1. lol..remove it and see if it your cpc will improve. You might be suffering from smart pricing though

  4. Happy for you Jide.

    Is it true that a site needs to attain a specific traffic to be accepted by Chitika?

    1. I am not really sure about that but the site must be getting some international traffic from the search engines

  5. nice work u doing here especially for no fee @ all its wonderful and wi want u to kip it up and pray almighty God rewards u the question ow do i get a paypal account

    1. Amen bro. I have some tutorials on how to get a paypal account. Just use the search box at the top of my blog to search for it

  6. I've tried getting paid by Chitika using the check option but the check has never reached me. Since paypal doesn't work in Nigeria, how do you get to withdraw your payment?

    1. May be the address you provided is not traceable. Contact chitika to inform them that you are yet to receive your check. You mean how I will withdraw my money from my paypal account?

    2. Yes, I mean how you would normally withdraw from paypal if you eventually get paid. My address for the check is correct but perhaps it got stolen from Nipost or was never sent. They still owe me $400+

  7. Abeg google no gree accept •̸Ϟﻉ for Google Adsense....pls email if Ʊ can help...tanx

  8. Shoutout to Jide you deserve even more#respect, i want to ask a simple question, Is the any future for newbie news bloggers like me? Or should i switch to another niche, that i can earn good a few years?.

  9. I'm inspired. I will work hard on my blog.

  10. plz tell me how to do....
    i wanna earn sum money for my education....

  11. Hi Jide, this is a great post involving google adsense and chitika. In my opinion the most important thing about making money with adsense or chitika is CONTENT. Thanks for sharing !

  12. Thanks for sharing your online money making success with us. Its really good to know that Nigerians can still make genuine money online through their hardwork. Thanks again!

  13. jide, i want to ask you, i've got revenue from my chitika earning quick report but my earning summary still $0,00.

    thx for helping.


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