Adsense Ads Not Showing After Switching To Custom Domain? Here Is What To Do

Lately, many Blogger users have been complaining that AdSense ads stop showing on their blogs once they add a custom domain to their blog but shows if they revert back to their .blogspot address. Well, you are not alone. That's how the Google Adsense system now works.

If you signed up for AdSense through an AdSense host partner (eg Blogger or YouTube), ads generated from such AdSense account will not display automatically on a custom domain (aka Non-host partner website). Ads will only display on the host sharer - YouTube, or blogger.

If you would like the ads to show on a custom domain, you will have to apply for approval and why you wait for the approval, you MUST not switch back to the .blogspot address.

How To Apply For Custom Domain Approval

==> Log in to
==> Click the gear icon in the upper right corner then, from the drop-down list, select Settings.
==> In the sidebar, Click on "Access and Authorization" > "Site authorization".
==> Tick the "Only allow certain sites to show ads for my account" box,
==> Enter the URL of your custom domain, then click "Submit".

Thereafter, you need to implement AdSense ad code on the URL that you provided above, on a page that receives traffic. You can easily implement this via the Earnings tab or by copying and pasting the ad code in an HTML/JavaScript gadget on your Blogger dashboard.

Note that your ad units will remain blank until your request has been approved. If your application is not approved, be assured that ad serving on your host partner site will not be affected, hence you can then switch back to the .blogspot address.

DO NOT switch back to while AdSense is reviewing your custom domain. If you do that, AdSense will see a domain registrar's parked domain page when they try to access your custom domain and AdSense won't approve that. 

When they access your domain, they have to see your blog, so leave the blank spaces the way they are until until your application is approved.

If you don't want to wait, don't use a custom domain name.

I hope this helps. 

Source: AdSense Help


  1. What of pple using wp, can they still follow this method?

    1. Yes, it falls under hosted domains.

  2. Bro, I have just switched my blog where I discuss investment ideas in Nigeria. to a custom url. Although the ads are showing, I can't see the reports in my adsense dashboard. Do I need to apply to adsense afresh?

  3. Thanks for this info .

  4. Can you check to see if my ads are working? It's just a blank space

  5. Bros Jide I really like your information and am feeling confident that my blog will be approved for adsense. But for how long will google review and approve my custom doman to show ads?

  6. Really nice dude, keep it up and thanks to share.

  7. Thanks for sharing this, Oga Jide

  8. i want to show my ads on a freind's hosted site with my own non-hosted adsense account, it switched the account but the ads are not displaying. what should i do?


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