GTBank Token Device Locked? Here Is How To Reset It

My GTBank Token device was locked yesterday while trying to make online money transfer via the GTBank Internet banking platform. It was locked after entering three different transactions codes generated from the token device.

Wondering why I have to enter three different codes? Well, I did that because the GTBank server was rejecting every code I entered to complete the transaction despite the fact that I was entering the exact code seen on the screen of the token device.

Immediately it was locked, I was prompted to log off and re-login to the Internet banking platform for me to reset the token device.  I signed off and on signing in, the form below was displayed for me to enter my Token ID and transaction code generated from the token device.

gtbank token reset form

I entered the ID but to my surprise, the token was no longer working. I pressed its button several times to generate a transaction and nothing was displaying on the screen. I was so pissed off because I was already thinking I will have to go to the bank the next day to get a new token device.

Immediately, I took to Twitter and Facebook to announce my frustration and also to know if any other person is also experiencing the same problem. Comments from some of my friends made me to realize I wasn't the only one experiencing it.

Few minutes after tweeting my frustration, I got a reply from @GTBank on Twitter to call GTConnect.

gtbank tweet

The GTConnect customer care rep asked me the name on the bank account, the address on my profile, my last successful transaction and my token ID. After confirming all the information provided to him, my token was unlocked. Thereafter, I was able to complete my transfers on the GTBank Internet platform without having to get a new token device.

How Do I Get My GTBank Token ID?

The ID is at the back of your token device.

That's all.

Have you also experienced this? Were you able to resolve it by yourself via the Internet banking platform or by calling GTConnect? Pls, let me hear from you via comments.


  1. Ismail7/30/2014

    Thanks for the info but which number did you call?

  2. Hi Jide, sometimes it has to do with where you stored your token device. Some guys place theirs in a bag which makes the device come on and off several times while the bag comes up against objects( pressing against the device).

    Token does not like that. So next time internet banking platform fails to recognise your token generated code, try and re-synchronise your token before using it again.

    That way the problem you encountered will not happen.

    1. Nothing can press my token where I always keep it. Always on a flat surface. The problem is definitely from GTBank. Might be a security measure just for me to reset my token after some period of usage. Who knows?

      Anyway, how do I sync my token bcos am hearing that for the first time ooo

  3. Same thing happened to mine. Exactly the way it happened to you. I'm yet to call GTConnect though, maybe I'll do that tonight on extra cool ** :) **

  4. Anonymous7/21/2015

    how does one get the code generated by the token tho?

  5. I just experienced the same issue and i stumbled on this article. it's sad that the only option to resolving this is by calling GT Connect from where you will be subjected to intense scrutiny as your details up to your mothers maiden name will be confirmed before the token will be unlocked. thanks Jide for sharing this.


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