Free Antivirus Scan For Your PC On The Internet

If you have never worried about having your PC protected by an antivirus before, then you should now. It is required that you maintain your PC in a safe state, free of viruses, worms and other malware, and ensure that it is not part of a bot net. If you are not protected, you might lose a lot of vital data to hackers who can spy on stuffs you have on your PC via the use of viruses. Besides, your PC might start misbehaving to an extent you might want to hit it at the Scared and do not pray to experience a virus attack, then totally unplug your PC from the internet.

Many people have antivirus on their PC but do not know if it is really working or up to date. To stay protected all the time, always UPDATE your antivirus software. You can read HOW TO TEST IF YOUR ANTIVIRUS IS WORKING to verify if your antivirus software is really working.

What if you do not have antivirus software installed on your PC and wish to scan your PC for infected files or viruses? Then, head over to in INTERNET EXPLORER (it won't work in any other browser). If you are not using internet explorer right now, just copy the link and paste it into the address bar of internet explorer and hit enter. On the page, you can scan your PC provided you are connected to the internet.

Want to download latest Updates of free antivirus softwares to your PC, go to and check out the ANTIVIRUS SECTION.

In my future posts, I will be writing about different ways by which you can secure your PC and protect it from unforeseen attack, crash or hacking.

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Remember, If you have anything to say about this or you have any info to share concerning Viruses, please leave your comment (and link, of course) below..

Cheers !!!.
