4 Free SMS Websites: Send FREE SMS Online

I n need of websites where you can send FREE SMS to your loved ones? Today, am sharing with you some sites you can try.

Note: I do not guarantee the reliability and continuity of the websites because most FREE services atimes don't last forever. 

1. Wadja.com

2. Mjoy.com

3. JungleSMS.com

4. 50sms.com

Most of the messages you will send via these websites will carry some kind of advertisement. Hence, if you want to send sms WITH NO ADS, which will also give you the ability to customize the SENDER'S Name, go to www.ogbongesms.com

At OgbongeSMS, you can send a message to thousands of recipients with just a click of a button.

If you have other websites where one can send free sms, kindly share them using the comment form below this post. 

